Saturday, May 9, 2015

Soon To Be Texan

In ten short days, I will be walking into a brand new lifestyle. I am moving to Houston, Texas. I recently received a job opportunity out there. I am sure my legs will be shaking, but eventually they will become strong again. I am sure my eyes will be puffy from all the crying, but I'll grow more independent and tougher. Thankfully, I am taking Miss Bella [my cat] along for the ride...18 hours & 12 minute ride to be exact. The stresses have been piling up - finding an apartment, move out of current apartment, find subleaser, bring furniture or don't bring furniture, uhaul?, buy a new/trustworthy car?, going away party, cancel my current bills and restart the bills, work as much as I can to get money, and most importantly - be with my family as much as I possibly can. Leaving my family, by far, is the hardest part of moving. As you know from prior posts, family is extremely important to me and being close with them for support through the tough times has always been an option for me - and usually the option I choose. I am so blessed that my mother will be driving down with me, but knowing that airport hug will arrive is already making me tear-up. The home-sickness will hit me like a semi-truck, but with my job, I cannot let it bring me completely down. My job will be stressful. My job will be tiring and challenging, but I am motivated enough to make this work. I will need to step out of my comfort zone and not continue to be the homebody that I usually am. I will need to go find friends, who will be my support system throughout this transition. They will become my out-of-state family. With the technology and social media, I was able to already find a few friends through a mutual friend. Also with Skype, I will be able to stay in eye-view contact with my beloved family. Every sort of emotion has been running through my body and the feelings only intensify as the move-date inches closer. Even though I am feeling all of those emotions, I don't believe the realization has completely struck. I will try my best to keep everybody updated, including via blogger. I hope to write, so I am able to display my emotions and have this as an outlet to release the excitement, pain, homesickness, good times, bad times, and random stories too. This move will be exhausting [mentally, physically, and emotionally] and giving those hugs will be extremely hard and full of tears, but I also have a strong feeling that this will be a good life changing experience for me. I will learn more about myself, step out of my comfort zone and experience new adventures while meeting new people.