Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland.

Yes, I have Christmas music stuck in my head. Been singing Christmas music for a couple weeks now. I guess I am a late bloomer. Christmas is done and over with, and I finally get in the spirit.
Another week of school, just finishing up my homework right now. It's about ten minutes to 11 and getting pretty tired. Taking a class that's called "Psychology of Death & Dying" which is very interesting. There's only been a couple classes of it, so I am still trying to figure some facts out. I'll update you, when I learn something factual.
Television. American Idol started tonight. I'll be honest, I started watching it, paused it, and decided to finish homework first. I was skeptical about the new judges, still am, but I am giving them a try. I enjoyed how Simon was honest with the contestants, not because it was funny. Sometimes it was funny, but more because the only way you can learn is by getting honest opinions. If you are told, it was good all the time, you'll never grow as a person, or in this case, an artist.
Television. Teen Mom 2, week 2, I believe. Now that is a good show. I cry every time I watch it. Leah and Corey have the twin baby girls, absolutely adorable. Leah & Corey, by far, the two best parents on this season. I am worried about their one daughter Ali. She's been having problems with her legs and nerves, so the next show, she's going to get an MRI done on her spine to figure out what is wrong. Leah is worried that she'll never walk. That is devastating for a parent to hear, especially for twins and for a teen mom. It's a lot to handle. I give her all my prayers, she and Corey are a blessing.
Bella, my new kitty from the Humane Society is doing wonderful. She is VERY playful. Daily Routine : Sleep, Eat, Bathroom Break and Play. WHAT A GREAT LIFE! I am completely jealous of my cat. Barry made her a cat tree. She loves it, she's sleeping in it right now. Her favorite toy is a string. She'll bring it to us, drop it at our feet and meow until we play with her. She's not much of a cuddler anymore. I guess my baby is growing up. :(
Hope all is merry in the world of the web, talk to you soon.

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