Monday, August 26, 2013


I have worked so incredibly hard on raising my self confidence. If you knew me in grade school, I hardly had any confidence. I was shy and timid, hating what I looked like and hating myself. In high school, I took a different role. I became a bully. I still had no self confidence, but because of it - I took it out on others. It was like I wanted them to feel the ugliness and hatred that I felt. I learned - the hard way - to stop that behavior. I learned and began to empathize the hurt that they felt. I kept finding myself in various abusive relationships - not feeling like I deserved anybody better. I went to therapy and I had the support system. I stopped the bullying and began seeing the beauty in myself. I see the beauty in my physical looks, my mind, soul and personality. I see the beauty in my past because I have learned to be a better, healthier and kinder human being. Confidence brings a skip to your step, a realness to your smile, and a flutter in your heart. It also brings a new perspective towards life and towards others. You began to see how important finding happiness in the small things are. You began to want to share the happiness to others and do not want anything to bring you down. You want to try everything so you don't regret it later, because now you have the confidence to go out and reach those goals and complete those obstacles you never thought you could. I proudly state that I am no longer that girl I used to be. I do not bully. I am confident. Now my goal is for others to gain the confidence in themselves. Everybody and everything is beautiful, but not everybody believes it. 

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